Все, чем занимается Бог, так это следит за нами и убивает нас, когда мы смертельно устаем жить. Надо стараться не уставать.
08.11.2010 в 23:54
Пишет Lusichka:*рыдает под столом*
гениальный транскрипт серии 2х08, лол
Stefan Salvatore: Hi Damon! I need you to help me protect Elena! Also: I’m sorry that I got you hooked ondrugs cheerleaders back in the day!
Damon Salvatore: That’s nice. I’m going to go try to get in your girlfriend’s pants now.
Tyler Lockwood: I’m sad and lonely and afraid!
Caroline Forbes: I give awkward comforting hugs!
Tyler Lockwood: I’m going to try to get into your pants next episode!
URL записигениальный транскрипт серии 2х08, лол
Stefan Salvatore: Hi Damon! I need you to help me protect Elena! Also: I’m sorry that I got you hooked on
Damon Salvatore: That’s nice. I’m going to go try to get in your girlfriend’s pants now.
Tyler Lockwood: I’m sad and lonely and afraid!
Caroline Forbes: I give awkward comforting hugs!
Tyler Lockwood: I’m going to try to get into your pants next episode!